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Bell Park Manor-Terrace

Bell Park Manor- Terrace is a cooperative development located in north Queens Village. We have 47 acres and house 850 families. Our community has often been compared to the country in its appearance. Our doors opened in 1951 and many of our residents are the original settlers.

Please check out our website: www.bellparkmanorterrace.com for details and pictures.

Community Council

We have meetings each month, except for January, February and August, on the second Monday. We meet at 8pm behind building #7 on 229th Street. The floor is open to all residents. Please refer to our newsletter for guest speaker information. 

Each year we have elections for all positions. Please give a little of your time to your community by joining the Council. 

If you wish to contact any member of the Council please drop a note in the Council mailbox located in the management office or mail to: 221-22 Manor Rd Queens Village, NY 11427. We are no longer going to be publishing our phone numbers, private addresses or email addresses. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Recent Accomplishments or Good Deeds by the Council:

As you are aware, safety is a main concern for the Council. Recently, DI Michael Bryon, of the 105th PCT issued a Zero Tolerance Policy for all schools. In order to help him out, photos were taken and made available for viewing at out last Community Meeting. They are entitled Stupid Parent Tricks. Both Creedmoor Civic and BPMT Community Council collaberated to put this together. The objective is to show the offenders just how dangerous they have behaved. Hopefully, they will stop endangering our children. 

Play Group

Play group is open to all children between the ages of infancy and 7 years old. Sorry, we do not at this time offer programs for older children. There is no membership fee to join. In the warmer weather, our group is generally outdoors in the playground (behind the management office). During in climate times, we use the room (formally the Block Watchers room). We meet each Friday, between 4-6pm. All donations that you have would be greatly appreciated. We accept crayons, markers, paint and lots of construction paper. Other supplies that we could use are: buttons, cotton balls, confetti, etc… 


There are two current petitions that have been made available at our meetings. One, is regarding cell phone antennae that have been installed without public knowledge. Many residents, upon hearing the facts from Mr. John Campos, were disturbed by the dangers of the constant flow of radiation. The closest antennae are the ones on top of Key Food. Key Food has filed the proper documentation for these several antennae. The objective for the petition is to gain public knowledge prior to installation so that we all have an opportunity to input our opinions.
                Second, is regarding the privatization of janitorial services in Region 3 (which includes School District 26). There is a concern among the parents in our local school, PS18 that the privatization of these services may pose a health risk and possible endangerment of our children. The health risk is that no on is inspecting the hired contractor to see if they are indeed following all health laws. The employees of these companies, the very people in our schools with our children, do not have full background checks performed on them. It is unclear whether one can be legally performed as it is with the Department of Education.
                 If your opinion counts, please attend the November or December meetings to add your name to the petitions.

New Residents: 

You may not realize it but as a resident, you are automatically a part of a very active civic. Our monthly meetings are designed for your best interest and we would love to hear what you are thinking. Please try to attend. We don't bite!

Thank You: 

The Executive Council wants to send a round of applause out to every one of our residents for your participation in the many events that do take place throughout the year. We have received many compliments regarding our organization and our newsletter. It makes us feel as though we are doing a great job and we appreciate the pats on our backs.

New Email Address: 

Here it is and please add it to your address book: BPMT1951@aol.com. Please keep it clean. Other civics are welcomed to send your info to us. Note: complaints regarding management and Board should be first addressed appropriately. You may send copies of your letters to the Council but please understand that the Council cannot engage in personal situations nor can we enforce the Proprietary Lease. If your complaint has not resolved itself, you may chose to add it to our Liaison Report. Be aware that this report gets published in our newsletter for all to see. All correspondance must contain your name, address and a phone number. If you fail to comply, you will not get a response.

High School Students: 

Martin Van Buren HS has assured us that the Physical Education for Living class has been diverted away from our development. We still many high school student lingering throughout our development, particularly in our garbage and laundry rooms. If you see this, call 911. They are trespassing and that is unlawful. The HS has not accepted responsibility for these students. In a letter addressed to the Council, the Principal claims the students are from other high schools. However, when I approach the police officers who detain the students, they claim that the majority of the students are from Martin Van Buren. Hopefully, more attention will be given to the many students who are exiting the school and this situation will dissolve.

Block Watchers: 

We started off the year with a great start for this wonderful program yet we had to collapse it due to lack of dispatchers. Anyone wishing to continue this program should get in touch with Kathi Taylor via mailbox or email. Please do not call the phone number listed in the paper. That is a temporary number and it will not be in service too much longer.


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