Cambria Heights Civic AssociationOur Next Meeting Will Be a
Christmas Party, State Senator Smith Will Be Our Guest Speaker. Thursday, December 14th, 2006 at 8 PMAt Community Bridge Home 120-50 Springfield Blvd Cambria Heights NY.
If you missed some of our membership meetings for a summary.
For further information contact president Kelli Singleton at 212-616-2219 (work) and 718-527-0740 (home) or e-mail Kelli.Singleton@cms.hhs.gov
If you need information about block associations or how to start one contact 1st VP Tyrone Sellers at 718-341-8770 or e-mail TSell61153@aol.com If you have concerns about city services such as police, streets, highways, parks and playgrounds contact 2nd VP Ann Wilkinson at 718 206-7006 or e-mail awilkins@jhmc.org If you have concerns about schools, education, transportation, taxes and assessments contact 3rd VP Virginia Noville 917 496-2575 or email Shanequa234@aol.com Please Sign Our Guest Book
2006-2008 Executive Board