


Councilman Leroy Comrie 27th CD

Dear Friend:  

   This coming Tuesday, March 1st, two important pieces of legislation, which will have an impact on our community, will be heard by the City Council.  

   At 10 am in the City Council’s Committee Room at City Hall

there will be an oversight hearing on the Mayor’s Solid Waste Management Plan by the Council’s Committee on Solid Waste & Management. The hearing will deal with the administration’s response to the many questions regarding this plan. We are getting close to the point when the Plan will be approved so it is important that any deficiencies are eliminated at this time.

     At the same time, 10 A.M, in the Council’s hearing room on the 14th floor of 250 Broadway (right across from City Hall) , the Council’s Committee on Transportation will listen to testimony regarding legislation, I have introduced, Intro 250, This bill would, in effect, allow any police officer to stop trucks in residential areas.  

        Trucks, under the legislation, would be supplied with color-coded maps depicting legal trucking routes, as well as truck routing sheets recording the point of origin and destination for each truck trip. Drivers without these documents would be fined and officers could also give summonses to drivers found outside their designated route.  

      The recent survey, conducted by the City’s Department of Transportation, demonstrated that trucks are using residential areas as shortcuts, threatening the safety of pedestrians and causing damage to our homes. This legislation would be a legal weapon against such illegal truck traffic in our communities.  


       With best regards, I am



                                                                LEROY COMRIE