NYPIRG Fuel Buyers GroupFBG negotiates discount prices on home heating oil with reputable local full-service oil suppliers. We offer easy-to-implement, practical energy tips and energy facts on a variety of topics including: cooling, water, appliances, heating, lighting, insulation, and transportation. WHAT
of FBG
NYPIRG began the Fuel Buyers Group in 1979 when the Mideast oil crisis was driving energy prices higher at an alarming rate. Many consumers, especially the elderly and economically disadvantaged, were finding it hard to pay their fuel bills and still balance their budgets. NYPIRG’s Fuel Buyers Group has addressed this problem by bringing consumers together so that they can buy home heating oil at a reduced price. Because the FBG price is tied directly to the wholesale price, participants are protected from companies that engage in price gouging. Instead, FBG participants can count on paying anywhere from 10¢-35¢/gallon less than the retail price throughout the year. Over the last 20 years, NYPIRG’s Fuel Buyers Group has grown to service more than 14,000 NYPIRG members. The Fuel Buyers Group has saved its participants millions of dollars during this time, even during periods of widespread price gouging, such as the Gulf War. NYPIRG’s Fuel Buyers Group has also been a leader in the fight for energy conservation measures and consumer protection legislation such as the Home Insulation and Energy Conservation Act (HIECA). To learn more about NYPIRG visit there web site in Community Links. CLICK HERE