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Queens Aglow Lighthouse International


The Floral Park Community Church

120 Floral Parkway

Floral Park, New York 


About Us

Queens Aglow Lighthouse is a chapter of Aglow International.  In 1967 Aglow began with four women who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries.  The initial meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA drew more than 150 women.  Today, Aglow is in over 151 nations around the world reaching out to women of every creed, color, and culture, and through them to families worldwide.  It is one of the largest Christian women's organizations in the world.
Queens Aglow Lighthouse cordially invites you to attend our monthly meetings.  We meet every second Saturday of the month at 10:00 am.  You will enjoy a free continental breakfast along with spiritual teachings and a time of prayer.  You will be inspired and encouraged in your Christian walk.  You will agree that Aglow is a network of caring women.  Come join us and bring a friend along.


Floral Park Covenant Church

120 Floral Parkway

Floral Park, New York

Contact Person: Cheryl Araujo


Directions: From the North, LIE or Grand Central Pkwy, Take Cross Island Pkwy to Hempstead Avenue East.  Follow Hempstead Ave. 1/2 mile pass Belmont Raceway.  Take the first left onto Plainfield Ave.  Follow Plainfield past the high school to the second stop sign.  Turn right onto Cherry St. Follow Cherry Str. for 7 blocks, you'll see the church to your left.  Take stairs down to the community room.

From the south, Southern State Pkwy, Take Cross Island to Hempstead East and follow directions above.  

For further information call or email Tippylarue53@aol.com


Cheryl Araujo President
Claudette John Vice President
Claudette Gumbs Secretary
Leola Callender Financial Secretary
