Queens Pride HouseThe Lesbian & Gay Community Center of QueensAbout UsQueens Pride House is The Lesbian & Gay
Community Center of Queens County. Our mission is to empower lesiban, gay,
bisexual, and transgender Queens residents by providing them with a safe space
where they can interact with other members of the community, access information
and referrals for legal, medical, mental health, social service, and family
counseling needs, become educated about issues of concern to the general LGBT
community and to those who live in Queens specifically. In addition to
empowering people in the community by providing them with this space and these
services in our space, we aim to empower such people by educating the whole
Queens community about the needs of LGBT Queens residents, by advocating for
LGBT Queens residents on the city and state level, and by developing
relationships with other providers who may assist us in our attempt to empower
such people.
For further information contact Raymond Penko |