Rochdale Village Civic AssociationABOUT USThe Rochdale Village Civic Association, known as
the "Voice of the Cooperators" was founded on February 2, 1995. Our
civic association represents more than 25,000 Cooperators in the World's Second
Largest Housing Cooperative. Rochdale Village is a New York State Mitchell-Lama
Housing Cooperative supervised by the Division of Housing and Community Renewal
(DHCR). The cooperative was built under the Administration of Governor Nelson A.
Rockefeller. Located in Jamaica, Queens and adjacent to the 113th Police
Precinct, Rochdale Village is bounded by Bedell Street, 134th Avenue, 137th
Avenue, Basiley and Guy R. Brewer Boulevards. Visit our web site at rochdalevillagecivicassociation.org
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Hon. Clifton Stanley Diaz President &
Founder, Gwendolyn Diaz Stanley Treasurer