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Town Hall Civic Association of Springfield Gardens, Inc

Our Next Meeting

Monday, January 23, 2006  7:30 pm.

172-15 140th Ave

Springfield Gardens 

About Us

Town Hall has been an advocate for the community for over 25 years. We help keep the community informed on important issues that may affect our daily lives. It has sponsored many programs for our youths and for the enhancement of the community in General. One of our greatest commitments is to our youth. We have sponsored Baseball teams, Football teams, had block parties and our flagship program Project Alert, has been on going for 22 years.
Project Alert was our after school tutorial program for our youths where we help them brush up on their math, reading and computer skills.  Average daily attendance were 19 students. 

We realize that we are all a working people, but we implore you to come to the meetings on the 4th Monday of each month (except July & August) to give your input on how to make our neighborhood better. Remember, by joining your association, you are investing in your neighborhood, you are helping to protect your home and to keep your Real Estate value up, to keep predators from invading your home, to ensure that we are receiving the city services that we deserve and to enhance our quality of life.


Town Hall Civic Association of Springfield Gardens, Inc. was organized in the home of one of its members approximately forty-five (45) years age in the late ‘60s. Subsequently, its’ meetings was held in a church on 140th Avenue at 171st Street (the site of the Solid Rock Baptist Church); then it moved to a building on Farmers Boulevard (former home of the Springfield Gardens Senior Citizen Center,) and finally to its’ own present site at 172-15 140th Avenue, which was purchased by its members from the City of New York at an auction in 1976 by funds donated by and/or borrowed from its’ members.

It has been serving as a representative of the community and advocate on its behalf since its inception. The property consists of three (3) contiguous storefronts, each of which is approximately 30’x80’, its use is restricted to ownership by and activities in behalf of the community and is owned unencumbered by community membership.

The Association was incorporated in 1975, and received its designation as an official not-for-profit entity under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code in 1978. A Board of Directors comprised of members who must be members of the community, current in their dues, and who are willing to serve without remuneration governs the Association. Services are rendered on a strictly voluntary basis. The Association is apolitical, and may not be used by aspirants as an instrument for political office.

Dues are presently $24.00 per year.

Its’ boundaries are: 137th Avenue on the North, North Conduit Avenue on the South, Farmers Boulevard on the East and Guy R. Brewer Boulevard on the West.

General Membership meetings are held monthly to disseminate information to the community and to obtain feedback concerning community problems and concerns, as well as suggestion for improvement in the rendition of services to the community. Frequently, representatives of the various governmental agencies are guest speakers at our meetings to clarify and define their policies, and to address complaints and provide possible solutions to the community concerns. 

Some of the past and present activities of the Associations are:

1. Sponsorship of a little league baseball team.

2. Sponsorship for installation of high intensity lights for community homeowners.

3. Sponsorship and operation of summer block parties.

4. Scholarship awards to students who showed greatest improvement during the school year at P.S. 80.

5. Operation of a Civilian car patrol and crime prevention program funded by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice.

6. Intensive long-range lobbying for sewer and street improvements under SE358 and HW257A, B and C.

7. Sponsorship of educational counseling workshops.

8. Production and distribution of the monthly newsletter to approximately 900 homes in the service area of the community.



Town hall is available for small meetings on a first come, first serve basis. Any person or group interested please call (718) 528-8116.

Protect your Identity

Remember, do not give your credit card, social security number, checking account number or any other personal information over the phone to any unsolicited caller, regardless of whom they claimed to be. Be sure to shred any documents pertaining to the above before throwing them in the trash receptacle.


How to talk to your teen.

  1. Make time for your teen. Find an activity you enjoy doing together and pursue it. If your invitations are declined, keep asking.

  2. Listen, really listen! Don’t try to listen while doing something else. Put your chores aside so your teen knows you are really paying attention. 

  3. Take the long view. Don’t treat minor mishaps as a major catastrophes. Choose the important issues. 

  4. Tolerate differences. View your teen as an individual distinct from you. But this doesn’t mean you can’t state your opinion if you disagree.

  5. Respect your teenager’s privacy. But if a behavior is worrying you, speak up. 

  6. Never imply that your teenager’s feeling don’t matter or that they will change. Teens live in the present. It doesn’t help them to know they’ll soon feel differently. 

  7. Don’t judge. State facts instead of opinions when you praise or criticize.

The Commandments for Parents

  1. I will encourage my child to do his best at all times.

  2. I will see that my child gets ample rest each night.

  3. I will send my child to school every day and on time, unless he/she is ill.

  4. I will try to provide a quite, well-lighted place for my child to study, without distractions from TV or radio.

  5. I will arrange a regular study period for my child.

  6. I will confer with my child’s teacher(s) at least twice each year.

  7. I will join my Parent-Teacher Association, school advisory committee or other parent organization at my school and participate as often as possible.

  8. I will obtain a library card for my child and myself, and insist that it will be used regularly. I will make reading a family priority.

  9. I will provide my child with necessary school supplies.

  10. I will help impress upon my child that success in school will better fit him for full citizenship in our society.

  11. I will religiously educate my child and see that he/she prepares himself/herself for the world to come.

  12. I will continue to pray for him/her success

For further information contact

Town Hall Civic Association of Springfield Gardens, Inc
172-15 140th Avenue, Jamaica New York, 11434
e-mail fitzroy_w@hotmail.com

Elected Officers

President and Chairman Robert Wilson
Senior Vice President Howard Dixon
First Vice President Fitzroy Whiteman
Executive Secretary Jacquelyn Johnson
Treasurer  Ronda Swindell

Additional Board Members

Stella Garrett

Samuel Jenkins

Michael Johnson

Elizabeth Pearson

Marcus Pearson

Ernest Randall

Ralph Van Duzen

Corleigh Williams

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